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they are followers and go along with whomever is the more powerful leader (not because the leader is smarter but who has a threat against them if they don't follow them). so they follow Jack eventually because he will beat them otherwise and he lures them in with terrifying songs,bonfires, and meat. they could symbolize the common people because they have no huge impact but help either Ralph or Jack pertain more power by simply obeying Jack's cruel commands.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Ralph helped by some of the other boys builds three huts. Jack and his tribe hunt for meat and are also supposed to tend to the signal fire. Some boys collect water in coconut shells and place them close to the huts under leaves.

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14y ago

According to the start of chapter 4: Painted faces and Long hair the littluns spent most of the day picking fruit where they could reach it. Apart from food and sleep they also found time to play aimlessly on the white sand and in the bright water. They cried for their mothers less often than you might imagine and suffered from untold terrors in the dark. They also attended meetings without really understanding what was going on but simply for entertainment and because Ralph and some of the others were big enough to seem almost adult to them.

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14y ago

When Ralph complained to Jack that only Simon and himself had built the third shelter he added that although the other boys had agreed to work on the shelters they simply drifted off to bathe, eat, play or hunt.

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12y ago

jack was carefree and fatty was scared of jack

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10y ago

sleeping, playing around and eating berries and other things they can find and can reach

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12y ago

Play around and picking fruits.

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Q: What do the littluns do most of the day in Lord of the Flies?
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In lord of the flies what do the littluns do all day?

The littluns in "Lord of the Flies" spend their days playing and exploring the island. They also help with tasks such as gathering fruit and tending to the littler children. However, they struggle with fear and nightmares due to the growing chaos on the island.

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