Apparently, the most cutes couple has broken up because and this has passed on tv we all know a person named Miley Cyrus that likes breaking people up so baced on tv she had admitid that she has broke up nick and Selena and she did break Selena and Taylor why she told the women why and she said "well when i was dating nick someone broke us up and when i tried to date Taylor lautner every thing went wrong because of that girl so i intend to break enny body that tries to date either one so be carfull" miley said that and then she left ,so that's what happend and that is what came between Selena Gomez friendship with miley now Taylor and Selena are only friends but wait looks like Selena still has a secret crush on him.
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Taylor Lautner went back to his exgirlfriend and brokeup with Selena.
Selena was jus a rebound girl for him. He didnt love her, he was jus
having fun using her to keep him company. Selena later fought with
demi and brokeup with demi as friends for some dumb reason,
and vented all that to Ric Rocker Pazmino. Ric is old close friend
of Selena g whom she trusts and likes. Now Sely is too busy with
tv show work of wizwaverly and her music career and too busy
being social and working on upcoming movies projects.
The Ric and Sely relations is still unstable at best. Mostly sorta friends,
yet, nothing too serious. Ric and Sely end up dating other people at this time.
Yet both of them single and chat once in a while, as acquaintances thru twitter.
yet not everyday. Sely believes in love and wears her love ring, and
Rocker doesnt trust in love thoughts and he wears his ring of fire.
Last known info is that Rocker is dating lotsa hot blonde random
American girls/20yrs old n older/.
for more info on Ric Rocker see
No, Taylor Lautner liked Taylor Swift more than she liked him. He traveled all the time to see her and she never traveled to see him. There was no chemistry. There relationship was not going anywhere.
Technically, no they didn't date, but they did have feelings for eachother. Selena broke it off because she was too busy with her career to have a boyfriend, but I guess Taylor just didn't want to get dumped. Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are indeed dating, Swift asked Selena for permission.
Taylor broke up with Selena because she didnt want to do it
Either he had an affair with Victoria Justice or he didn't call her in Vancouver. Those are what I heard. And she broke up with him.
acutally in a magazine quiz thingy magiger Taylor lutner saaid that ot of miley, selnea, and demi, Selena is his celeb crush
They broke up a long time ago. They broke up because they just wanted to be friends and they were both separating for their careers.
Fans were unhappy and Justin was cheating on Selena. Because of his cheap behaviour they broke up. But I feel Selena deserves so much more!
Gomez did not make this public so there are many theory's here are some please feel free to add. Selena was older than him, he was not her type, they could have gotten a fight, they slowly lost interest in each other.
I hate Miley She had to get in between Selena And Demi friendship's.They were like sister.&& You cant break up Sisters. ! But ,i don't really hate Miley. I just think it was a rude thing to break them up ! . But yeah They are friends.
'give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar, choclatley chewy, gotta make your day, every where we go we hear the people sing, HEY, give me a break, HEY, give me a break, break me off a piece of that, gotta have a piece of that, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar.'