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boiling point and volatility are inversely proportion

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Q: What is the relationship of boiling point with volatility?
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Is CH4 volatility?

Methane (CH4) is a gas; the boiling point is at -164 0C.

Why volatility in hydrochloric acid sulfuric acid?

hydrochloric acid has maximum volatility among halogen acids due to minimum boiling point among them which tells that it has maximum vapour pressure which is directly related to volatility

What is the relationship between a compound's chemical bond type and its phase at room temperature?

Usually different compounds have a specific freezing, melting, and boiling point. There are all types of different compounds out in the world but it also depends on their intermolecular forces. In weak bonds, volatility and pressure is high, while boiling point is low. In strong bonds, volatility and pressure is low, while boiling point is high.

Why are alkali metals volatile?

The alkali metals are the group 1 metals, lithium, sodium, potassium etc. There is only one valence electron involved in the metallic bond and therefore the bond is weaker. In comparison to the majority other metals they are generally low melting and have low boiling points. As an example sodium melts at about 98 C and boils at 883 C. The relatively low boiling point is an indication of their relatively low volatility. Note that volatility is normally a term associated with very low boiling point substances such as acetone, boiling point 56 C

Which property of benzene ring enables it to produce aroma?

Primarily it is its low boiling point and hence volatility that enables smell/aroma. There are other factors too.

What is the relationship of boiling point with atmospheric pressure?

The normal boiling point (also called the atmospheric boiling point or the atmospheric pressure boiling point) of a liquid is the special case in which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the defined atmospheric pressure at sea level, atmosphere

What characteristic property of two liquids must differ if a mixture of them is to be separated by fractional distillation?

The characteristic property that allows distillation to separate a mixture of liquids is a liquids boiling point. The conducting vapors are put in a cooling device where they are allowed to condense. The condensation is collecting into a different flask.

How does polarising power effect boiling point?

Polar molecules have relatively weak intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces and boiling point have a direct relationship, so due to the fact that polar molecules have weak forces, their boiling points will be lower.

How is boiling different from boiling point?

Boiling is the phase where the boiling occurs. The point at which the boiling occurs is the boiling point.

What is the relationship between the strength of the intermolecular forces and boiling point?

Boiling can only occur when the kinetic energy of heat overcomes the intermolecular forces holding a liquid together, so the greater the intermolecular forces, the higher the boiling point.

What causes juice to evaporate slower than water?

Because the juice is a mixture; some components have a lower volatility than water. And the boiling point is a colligative property, depending on the mass of solutes.

What is the relationship between the boiling point of the alcohol and the number of atoms in its molecules?

Alcohols are polar compounds. Now if the number of molecules is less the attraction is more and then the boiling point is high. Hence the relation.