Could be a fuel delivery problem such as a dirty fuel filter.
The engine will run inefficiently.
Performance, horse power and fuel mileage will suffer.
it is ok to continue driving the vehicle while the catalytic converter is not working properly?
go have your engine scanned to see what the problem is the o2 sensor is not the only part in the emissions system
You will have poor or no ignition.
The most common problem with a 94 Toyota Camry 4 cylinder is the fuel pump not properly working. This causes the fuel to stop at certain points and makes the engine stall.
The car might need a tuneup . also the problem might be related to fuel injectors that are not working properly.
Some signs that your engine control unit is not working properly are car failure, bad gas mileage, and your car running poorly. If your check engine light is on, that might also indicate an ECU problem.
I think that depends if you have a check engine light on because of it. If the speed sensor is not working properly, the engine will not use gasoline as efficiently so there may be an emission problem
its not working properly ...should bought a ford
If carb. perhaps choke is not working properly