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gently begin to brake

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Q: If your hood becomes unlatched and blocks your vision the first thing you should do is .?
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magnify glass
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What should a forklift operator do if the load blocks their vision when it is carried at a safe height?

Travel slowly in reverse

Should a company have mission without vision?

No a company should not have a mission without vision, there is no mission witout a vision, if your mission is to do somthing then you are suppose to have an expected outcome which is the vision.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word blurred?

My vision becomes blurred.

When you are driving on the freeway and the vehicle in front of you is a large truck you should drive?

You should get around a large truck and stay in front of it if possible because it blocks your vision. Driving right beside a large truck puts you in it's drivers blind spot.

What is the condition where the lens of the gradually becomes cloudy and causes blurred or partial vision?


What should be the vision of a company?

ultimately the vision of a company is to make a profit on their goods

What is the purpose of a cataract operation?

A cataract operation becomes necessary when the lenses of the eye become cloudy and causes vision problems. Cataract surgery helps to restore vision.

What do you call a material that blocks all light completely?

A material that blocks all light completely is called opaque. Opaque materials do not allow any light to pass through them, creating a complete barrier to vision.

What is it when the moon blocks out the sun?

When the moon blocks out the sun, it is called a solar eclipse. This occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, temporarily blocking the sunlight.

What is the definition of the word amblyopia?

The definition of the word amblyopia is when the vision in one of your eyes becomes dim for no apparent reason. There is no structural damage to your eye. This condition makes your vision dim.

What is the importance of vision and mission statements?

What is the importance of having a vision and how that should be expressed in a mission statement.

Why are there no windows in Army tanks?

People could shoot you through the windows.While the above is flippant, it is fundamentally correct.Note however, that there are windows in a tank. They are called "vision blocks" or "periscopes", and are merely very small windows containing very thick ballistic-resistant polymers. The driver generally has 3-5 such vision blocks (usually measuring no more than about a dozen or two square inches in size), and the commander's cupola has either a set of similar-sized blocks, or a periscope-like device. These blocks are arrayed immediately around the hatch opening of the driver or commander, respectively.