The vehicle should be of the same type as other vehicles having routine access to the target area, the vehicle should blend in with other vehicles the target area.
the vehicle should be similar to other vehicles having routine access to the target area
The vehicle should blend in with other vehicles in the target area and the vehicle should be the same type as other vehicles having routine assess to target areas to be chosen for use as a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).
The vehicle should blend in with other vehicles in the target area and the vehicle should be the same type as other vehicles having routine assess to target areas to be chosen for use as a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).
The vehicle should blend in with other vehicles in the target area. The vehicle shoud be of the same type as other vehicles having routine access to the target area.
Factors such as cost, fuel efficiency, size, purpose, and features of the vehicle are typically considered when determining which vehicle to use. The decision may also be influenced by the terrain, distance to be traveled, and the number of passengers. Ultimately, the key factor is selecting a vehicle that meets the specific needs of the situation.
the vehicle should be similar to other vehicles having routine access to the target area
the vehicle should be similar to other vehicles having routine access to the target area
Factors such as size, payload capacity, speed, maneuverability, and the ability to blend in with the surrounding environment are typically considered when choosing a vehicle for use as a VBIED. The main goal is to create a vehicle that can carry a large amount of explosives to inflict maximum damage on the target.
Stationary reference points are chosen to determine motion because they provide a consistent and fixed frame of reference. By using stationary reference points, it is easier to identify when an object is moving relative to its surroundings. This helps in accurately measuring the speed and direction of the object's motion.
A field that is chosen to uniquely identify a record is called a primary key. This key helps uniquely identify each record in a database table and ensure data integrity.
A lot would depend on the roadway and the chosen vehicle among other factors. Somewhere between 2 and a half and 3 hours is a reasonable guess.