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Only time I have got white bruises was when we played Dodge Ball and the ball would snap against your skin really hard

Possibly a hard fall?

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Q: Your daughter has a white bruise with a red outline what is this?
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What kind of bruise do you get from a spanking?

It's called a red bruise. those are the most intense

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No I don't think so but......

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If the bruise is an orange-like red, you likely have internal bleeding. You might want to see a doctor :)

What does the whole entire flag of the United States of America USA stand for?

The red and white stand for the thirteen colonies. The blue and white stars stand for the 50 states. As for the colors, I once hear a song that went: "Red is for the blood, Blue is for the bruise, White is for the eyes, that fought for me and you."

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Do red heads bruise or bleed more?

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