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Crucifixion was a common form of execution during the Roman Empire.

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Q: Why were the two thieves hung beside Jesus on the cross?
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What does burning cross signify?

It symbolizes hate for Jesus. Is it possible that the same folks who burn crosses, builds the crosses, crosses like the one they hung Jesus on? I call it disrespect for the same religion they say they represent. Jesus was of a colored skin tone, and they are angry and jealous over it. To think about building a cross for sacrifice is sick minded from the start.

What form of pushiment did ancient Romans get?

Usually, they would be hung by the cross

What is correct He hanged himself or He hung himself?

he hung himselfExample: He will hang himself. He has hanged himself. He hung himself.

What does the cross represent?

The Holy Cross: This symbolises the pain and suffering Jesus went through to save us. It is a symbol for catholics and Christian's. This symbol is used throughout the year, especially Easter as it represents the time of Jesus' Crucifiction.AnswerIn the context of the Christian faith, the cross means a number of things. It is certainly the most used Christian symbol. It Means Self-DenialMatthew 10:38 (King James Version)38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. Matthew 16:24 (King James Version)24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. It Was A Thing of Shame and SufferingHebrews 12:2 (King James Version)2Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Roman method of crucifixion was one of the most exquisitely terrible methods of execution ever devised. People were crucified naked, hence the shame, and suffered excruciating pain as they had to struggle to pull themselves up to draw breath. There was also terrible thirst, especially if done in summer, and mental torture as the process was long and drawn out sometimes lasting for days before death.The Preaching of the Cross as a thing of blessing brought great offense.This is probably because it was such a horrible way to die.1 Corinthians 1:18 (King James Version)18For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. It Is God's Method of Reconciling Man to GodColossians 1:20 (King James Version)20And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. This, for Christians, is its most wonderful meaning.well,people believe that Jesus was hung across a Crossthat was when God proved that Jesus was really his son,the cross was (when Jesus was alive) a way to torment, ridicule, and prosecute people, all in one.

Why was the eureka flag hung vertically?

cause it was hung to represent the stockade and ballarat

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Was 4 people as well as jesus hung on the cross?

no, only 2 other thieves were hung along with him. the thief on his right became a believer at the last minute and joined Jesus in heaven.

What side was jismas the thieve on he hung from the cross when Jesus was crucified?

Where in the Bible were there names even given to the two thieves on the cross. They are no where given in the KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or any other Bible I know of.

Where do you go to be hung on the cross like Jesus did?

a psychiatrist.

How was Jesus hung om the cross?

He was nailed to the wooden cross by his hands and feet.

Who framed Jesus?

No one, he was guilty. Why do you think he was hung on the cross?

How is Jesus Christ like a scarecrow?

Their both hung on a cross.

Why did Romans hung Jesus on cross?

There was no real reason for hanging Him on the cross, they just hated Jesus and to 'justify' this, they accused Him of blasphemy.

What was the tree that Jesus was hung on?

Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross, not a tree. The cross was used as a method of execution by the Roman authorities at that time.

Where was Jesus hung?

Jesus wasn't hung. He was crucified on a cross outside of Jerusalem.He was hung in Italy.

Where is the cross the jesus hung on?

Most likely the cross has long since rotted or been destroyed.

Who in the bible had to wait to hear from god?

Jesus did when he hung on the cross to die for you

Why the thieve hung with Jesus?

The bible says that the two men hung on the cross on each side of Jesus were robbers, they might have done this repeatedly so they were crucified.