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They invented an accurate 365-day calenders of sorts, and also the concept of zero. They were also keen on movements of the moon, sun, and other space bodies (astronomy) and they developed a number system (mathematics). so to sum it up, they were important for the calender, concept of zero, astronomy, and the impressive advances in mathematics.

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8y ago
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11y ago

The Mayans were the first ones to invented an accurate 356-day calendar which is an absolute necessity to the people in today's world, plus the Mayans were also the first ones to use the concept of zero, which helped them in making their calendar. The Mayans were such good experts in discovering plenty of information on Astrology. The Mayans outstanding knowledge made it possible for them to be able to clearly track, and discover the movements of the planets in the outer space. The Mayans were also far well in their math which again helped them in making their calendar. The Mayans were also well known for their written language, and they were the first ones to come with a written language called codex.

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12y ago

They are one of most civilized culture. There are only two civilization, that discovered zero (null), the Indians in Asia and Mayans in Mesoamerica. They were highly skilled in math and there was no reason for so developed culture in Mesoamerica environment.

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11y ago

I don't really know i just wanted to write. love ya'll

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11y ago

they did many things other ones can't do

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Q: Why are Mayan religion important?
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They followed the Mayan religion, with various gods and goddesses. You can learn more about it by looking up Mayan mythology.

What are two elements of Mayan religion?

you stupid idiot

How have most historians learned about the Mayan religion?

Hey there

What is the Mayan funeral mask used for?

The Mayan masks were very important in the Mayan cuture

Who were Mayan important people?

the people of Mayan civilazationwho is important is the women they play a big part in their life