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You shouldn't. Contrary to popular belief opening windows during a tornado does nothing to save a house and may in fact make damage worse. If a tornado is coming opening windows is a waste of precious time that you should use to take cover.

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Q: Why should you not open windows when a tornado is approaching?
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How would it look outside if a tornado were approaching?

Tornadoes occur during severe thunderstorms are very usually precedes by very heavy rain which, depending on the storm, may or may not stop before the tornado hits. This rain may be accompanied by hail, which can reach very large sizes. Many people have noted green or other unusual colors in the sky before a tornado. While this usually indicates a severe thunderstorm, it does not mean a tornado is coming, nor does its absence mean there won't be one. The tornado itself usually occurs in the rear half of the thunderstorm, if that portion of the storm is rain-free you may note a lowering of the cloud base and rotation in the clouds; this is the wall cloud from which the tornado may form. Near this wall cloud a hole may open up in the clouds, showing the location of the rear-flank downdraft that plays a crucial role in tornado formation.

How big is the biggest F5 tornado?

It is not known for certain, but a likely candidate was the tornado that hit Seneca, Kansas on May 27, 1896. At one point the tornado was 2.2 miles wide. The largest tornado ever recorded was the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado of May 31, 2013, measured at one point to be 2.6 miles wide. This tornado was officially rated EF3 as it was over open country when it reached peak intensity and so caused relatively little damage at that point. Radar analysis, however, suggests that it may have reached EF5 intensity.

What is the weakest tornado ever recorded?

That is difficult to determine. There have been many thousands of F0 and EF0 tornadoes with winds possibly as low as 40 mph. However it is difficult to determine which were the weakest as many took place in open fields and caused no damage and all but perhaps a few never had their winds measured. Even then, it could be debated whether a tornado with winds as low as 40 mph could actually be counted as a tornado as such winds usually cannot cause significant damage.

What should you do if you split your head open?

Hope somebody is right next to you.

Why does a house get so dusty?

Some dust can get blown in through open windows and doors, but even if these are closed, lots of "dust" will be produced by cells being exfoliated from the residents' skins.

Related questions

Why do you need to open windows when there is tornado?

You don't. You should actually keep the windows shut to try to prevent wind from entering your home.

Is it better to open or close your windows during a heatwave?

Windows are best left closed in a tornado. If you are not hit hard, the windows can prevent interior damage. If you are hit hard by a strong enough tornado some windows will break anyway. But if a tornado is coming it is best not to waste time opening or closing windows. Take cover immediately.

Is it a good idea to open your windows during a tornado?

No. Opening windows does nothing to safe your house and can help expose the interior to damaging winds.

Is it a good decision to open windows in your house if a tornado is approaching?

Do not even think about opening windows and doors if the tornado is very close. Take shelter where ever possible and do so immediately. No house is worth your life.No. If the center of a tornado ever passed over your house, the wind and debris it was carrying would already have broken at least a few windows before any significant pressure difference could cause problems. It's not likely that this difference is even enough to do much to a well-built home anyway, especially when most houses have enough openings and vents as it is.

Is it true that A highway overpass is a good place to hide from a tornado?

Usually - yes. If you're caught out in the open and a tornado is approaching... the safest place to shelter is underneath the overpass - as high up the sloping bank as possible.

When should you open all windows and hatches when you need to refuel your boat?

you should open all windows/hatches after fueling your boat

Do you open windows before a tornado comes?

No. Opening windows will only expose the interior of your house to more damage. If there is a tornado in your area take cover immediately! The idea that opening windows to equalize pressure will save you house is a myth. The pressure difference inside a tornado is not enough to cause significant damage. This has been mathematically proven. Tornadoes produce damage though their powerful winds, and in any tornado strong enough to significantly damage a house, the windows will break anyway.

What program should you use to open videos?

If you have Windows, use Windows Media Player to open/view videos.

What would you do if a tornado came to your home?

Please access the related link below for life-saving advice from the US NOAA regarding Tornado-survival tips. -They say NOT to open windows and doors...

What should you do in a tornado if you are in the open?

Lie in a ditch or depression in the ground if you cannot get to shelter.

What should people do to prepare for tornadoes?

to prepare for a tornado you need to have canned food and water bottles ready because you do not know how much the tornado will last do not open windows or doors have a radio and check for news broadcasts and have faith in yourself and remember tornadoes are dangerous things so be aware

Why are people in buildings threatened by a tornado told to open windows to minimize damage?

This is based on the outdated belief that the low pressure inside a tornado causes buildings to essentially explode and that opening windows relieves this pressure difference.This is simply not true.First, evidence so far shows that the pressure inside tornadoes in not low enough to cause damage in such a way.Second, buildings are not airtight so the pressure difference will be relived fairly easily anyway.Tornado damage is cause mainly by powerful winds and flying debris.In a strong tornado the windows will usually break anyway and the building will likely take heavy damage regardless.It may in fact be better to leave windows closed, as in a weak tornado or a glancing blow the windows may hold up and prevent strong winds from entering a building and causing damage inside.Finally, if you are threatened by a tornado you should get to safety immediately and stay away from windows. Trying to open windows only wastes time and puts you at a greater risk.