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Because the atomic radius increases down the group 1 and decreases down the group of halogen

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11y ago

because of its increasing atomic size

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8y ago

No it is wrong. it is increasing.

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Yes, they do.

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Q: Why melting point decrease down the group for Alkali metals but increase for Halogens?
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Why are alkali metals and halogens the most reactive families?

Cesium and francium are the most reactive and lithium is the least. Because the reactivity of alkali metals increases going down the group. Down the group: atomic and ionic radii and density increase while melting and boiling points decrease. Therefore it is easy for them to lose the one electron on the outer orbital. So it is very reactive.

Why does the melting point of an alkali metal decrease as the radius gets bigger?

because Joseph broadly

What happens to the melting point of the alkali metals as the atom increase in size?

As we move down the group, the melting point decreases.

What kind of chemical bond is formed by transfer of electrons between alkali halogens?

An ionic bond is formed by electron transfer between alkali metals and halogens.

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Alkali metals, transition metals, halogens or Transition metals, halogens, noble gases or Alkali earth metals, halogens, noble gases

What kind of chemical bond is formed by transfer of electrons between alkali metals halogens?

An ionic bond is formed by electron transfer between alkali metals and halogens.

2 properties of alkali metals?

1. Alkali metals are soft and highly reactive. 2. They have low melting points and densities.

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The two most reactive groups of elements in the periodic table are the alkali metals and halogens.

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The most active metals are alkali metals.The most active nonmetals are halogens.

Ionic bonds are formed between?

Alkali metals and halogens.

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alkali F., alkali earth metals, coinage, halogens and noble gases