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Lines of longitude (meridians) run north/south and measure angular distance east and west of the prime meridian to a maximum of 180 degrees east or west.

Lines of latitude (parallels) measure angular distance from the equator. The maximum is 90 degrees north or south of the equator.

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Q: Why longitudes are 360 and latitudes are 180?
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Why there are only 180 latitudes and 360 longitudes on earth?

Because when you travel in longitude, you can go all the way around the Earth, 360 degrees, crossing new longitudes all the way . But when you travel in latitude, the farthest you can travel is from one pole to the other pole ... halfway around the Earth, 180 degrees. Once you reach the opposite pole, if you keep going farther, you're just crossing latitudes that you've already crossed once.

Why do you have 360 longitudes and only 181 latitudes?

Because you must go all the way around the Earth in order to cross every possible longitude, but you only need to go half-way around it ... pole to pole ... in order to stand at every possible latitude. And by the way . . . there are an infinite number of longitudes, that cover a range of 360 degrees, and an infinite number of latitudes, that cover a range of 180 degrees.

What longitudes and latitudes is Afghanistan between?

to the nearest minute between longitudes 60e31 & 74e53 & between latitudes 29n22 & 38n29

Why are latitudes concentric but longitudes meet at the poles?

Latitudes are parallel to the equator. Longitudes converge like elastics on a soccer ball.

Who created the latitudes and the longitudes?


Why are longitudes parallel?

They aren't, latitudes are.

How many longitudes are?

There are 360 longitudes

Do you read latitudes first or longitudes first?

Latitudes, the north/south coordinates.

Who drew latitudes and longitudes on the Earth?

Your mamma

Will latitudes and longitudes vary with projection system?


What is the country in 90 to 45?

I tried. Believe me, I tried. But I finally had to give up trying to figure out whether 90 and 45 are latitudes or longitudes, and if they're latitudes, whether they're north or south latitudes, and if they're longitudes, whether they're east or west longitudes.

Who founded the latitudes and longitudes?

an roman intelligent man