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The source is academic because the websites ends in .edu

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3y ago
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4mo ago

This citation from "The Killers in Our Midst" is considered trustworthy because the author is an established expert in the field of criminal psychology with a proven track record of credible research and publications on the topic. Additionally, the book undergoes a peer-review process before publication to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information presented.

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Joanna Sasser

Lvl 3
2y ago

the source is a respected unveristy - apex

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Q: Why is this citation from The Killers in Our Midst an example of a trustworthy source?
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Why is this citation from The Killers in Our Midst an example of an untrustworthy source?

the source has a silly-sounding name & no author listed apex

Why is this citation from and ldquoThe killers in our Midst and an example of an untrustworthy source?

Without having the specific citation, it is difficult to provide a direct reason for it being untrustworthy. However, a source like "The Killers in Our Midst" could be considered untrustworthy if it lacks credibility, contains biased information, or presents unsubstantiated claims without proper evidence or research to back them up. It is important to carefully evaluate the reliability of the source, including the author's expertise and potential conflicts of interest.

What does an in-text citation look like?

An in-text citation typically includes the author's last name and the year of publication, enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Smith, 2019). If the source does not have an author, the title of the source can be used instead.

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A bibliographic citation is used to show where the writer took the information from. The citation points to the source. A bibliographic source is the book, report, or journal that contained the information.

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An example of unintentional plagiarism could be forgetting to cite a source or not properly paraphrasing information from a source, thus inadvertently presenting it as your own work.

What best tells what a citation is?

Information about the source

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For electronic sources, the basic in-text citation format typically includes the author's last name (or the title if no author is available) and the publication year. For example, (Smith, 2019). If there is no author or publication date, use the title of the source instead.

When is it unnecessary to follow a direct quotation with a parenthetical citation that includes the name of the source?

It is unnecessary to follow a direct quotation with a parenthetical citation that includes the name of the source when the source is already well-known to the audience or when it is clear from the context of the writing where the information is coming from.