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Bacteria ideally needs a warm and wet climate to live and grow in. If it is cold and dry then the chance of bacteria growing is very little if at all.

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Q: Why is temperature control an effective weapons against bacterial growth?
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Can you control bacterial growth?

Yes you can, by controlling the temperature, or using synthesized inorganic disinfectant.

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What are the requirements of an effective control system?

An effective control system requires clear and specific objectives, reliable performance measures, timely feedback mechanisms, and flexibility to adapt to changes. It should also have a system of accountability and follow-up procedures to ensure corrective actions are taken when needed.

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On reason we get a fever when we are sick is due to our body raising the temperature with an attempt to try and kill off certain bacteria and viruses that are sensitive to temperature change.

Does yasmin protect you against pregnancy?

Yes! It's a birth control pill!! Nothing is 100% but this would be about 99% effective.

What does birth control not protect you from?

The birth control pill has the ability to protect against pregnancy and to regulate the menstrual cycle. It has absolutely NO ability to protect against any form of sexually transmitted diseases, either bacterial (such as chlamydia) or viral (such as HIV/AIDS).

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There are no commercial dewormers available over the counter that are effective against tapeworms - you have to get the medication from your veterinarian.

What is the least effective form of birth control?

Probably praying is the least effective form of birth control.

Your birth control is effective after 7 days but bf did not pull out and it was before the time for your 7th pill Still took it will it be effective against a pregnancy?

if directions say 7 days or pills it probly wont be effective till then next time use a condom

Who has helped keep bacterial diseases under control?

immune system!

Any pills to insert in vagina instead of using condom?

There are spermicidal jellies and foams that are somewhat effective for birth control, but these do not protect against STDs. And they aren't effective enough to rely on them. But nothing like an insertable pill. No.