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Q: Why is prolonged exposure therapy more beneficial?
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How do you flirt if you have social anxiety and can't approach people?

Typically psychiatrists use exposure therapy to reduce anxiety in social situations. See the related link below for more information on exposure therapy.

Why do you need caps to swim?

You don't, but having one does make you a little more hydrodynamic, and prolonged exposure to chlorine does bad things to your hair.

What is the prognosis for a patient with byssinosis?

Prolonged exposure makes patients wheeze more often and can cause chronic bronchitis. It does not lead to permanently disabling lung disease.

What is lifeguard lung?

It's permanent scarring of the lung tissue from prolonged exposure to chlorine. Studies haven't connected it with cancer yet.. Think of it more like chronic asthma.

How do you cure monophobia?

The first step is to admit that you have a problem as it relates to others. But remember, we all have strengths and weakness and hiding your weaknesses takes up more energy than it does to work to overcome them or learn to live with them. The most frequently used form of therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and systematic desensitization or exposure therapy. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 75% of people with specific phobias overcome their fears through cognitive-behavioral therapy. In desensitization or exposure therapy, you are exposed in a safe and controlled way to the object or situation you fear. The most commonly used exposure therapy involves gradual encounters with the fear-producing object, first in the imagination and then in reality. Through repeated experiences facing your fear, you begin to realize that the situation, while possibly unpleasant, is not harmful. With each exposure, you feel an increasing sense of control over your phobia. This sense of control over the situation and yourself is the most important benefit of exposure therapy.

Where can one learn more about Anodyne Therapy?

Anodyne is a brand of light therapy products that are used for the relief of pain and stiffness. Anodyne Therapy has a fairly comprehensive website that explains the process and uses of this light therapy. It's also advisable to consult your physician, physical therapist, or other health care provider about the advantages of Anodyne Therapy and whether it may be beneficial to your condition.

Are international aid jobs beneficial?

Yes, international aid jobs are extremely beneficial. Not only do you learn a lot in these types of positions, but you also gain international exposure. You can learn about another country's culture to become a more well-rounded person.

What are the side effects for you and your pets to prolonged moth ball exposure?

Cats are more sensitive to the toxic effects, but dogs are more likely to ingest mothballs. Long-term exposure to mothball fumes can also harm pets and people. "Ingestion of naphthalene mothballs can cause anemia,lethargy, vomiting, and sometimes kidney or liver damage.

Does physical therapy help recovery from injury?

Physical therapy is very beneficial in helping one recover from an injury. Doing physical therapy can help rebuild muscle strength and help stretch and make more flexible the area of an injury caused to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It can also help prevent another injury from occurring.

Is the exposure to a tanning lamp the same as exposure to the sun?

Tanning lamps are just as bad for your skin as prolonged exposure to the sun. Tanning lamps emit the same Ultra violet rays that can lead to wrinkles, premature aging, and skin cancer. Tanning lamps allow you to control your exposure to UVA rays, unlike out door tanning. However, tanning lamps can be two to three times more powerful than outside exposure to the sun. For information on the risks of tanning go to the FDA Risks of Tanning.

Fat is utilized as a fuel more efficiently during periods of?

Prolonged exercise. =) -Becky

Is a back stretching machine more beneficial than physical therapy?

If physical therapy isn't working like it should and you try a back stretching machine you may find that it helps, but may not be the best alternative. The best thing to do would be to discuss this with your Dr. and ask about the benefits of a stretching machine.