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Typically, summer temperatures cause people to become dehydrated. Dehydrated people produce concentrated urine.

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Q: Why is more concentrated yellowish urine excreted in summers?
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Related questions

Why is the first urine of the day most concentrated?

The color of urine is determined on how concentrated the urine is. It's from all of the toxins being excreted. In the morning it's a fasting urine and you haven't drank fluids all night. So it's concentrated and dark yellow. During the day, you drink and dilute the urine so there more water in the urine, less concentrated and lighter in color

Type of urine excreted when the water content of the body is low?

Concentrated, the more excess water is present in the body the more dilute the urine becomes.

What is excreted from the kidneys?

Urine is excreted from the kidneys.

Where does the ammonia in your bodies come from?

During deamination of excess proteins in the body, the amino group of the protein is converted into glycogen for storage and the rest are excreted from the body in the form of urea by urining. Ammonia is found in urea, the more urine is concentrated (yellowish) the more urea it contain (ammonia) and the more it has a bad smell. Therefore as a conclusion : Ammonia comes from the protein you take in.

What chemical is made from ammonia that excreted in the urine?

Our liver converts ammonia into urea. This urea is excreted out in the urine.

What liquids carry the urea that is excreted?

The liquids in which the urea is excreted are: Urine and sweat

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Uroporphyrin is a substance that is excreted in the urine. This is excreted in very small amounts at a time.

Urea is produced by the and excreted by the?

Urea is produced by the liver and is excreted by the kidneys as a part of urine.

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What is urine excreted from the body through?

Urine exits the body through the urethra.