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Like dissolves like. Lipstick is made of greasy or polar molecules, and so is petroleum jelly. Water is a polar molecule. Just like oil and water don't mix, nor does water and lipstick. Water is good at removing polar molecules (like salt for instance), but not good at removing grease. That is why you have to use soap to clean clothes -- because water alone does not remove grease or oils.

See the Related Questions for more about how soap works.

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Q: Why is lipstick easily removed by petroleum jelly but not by water?
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Is there latex in patroleum jelly?

Petroleum jelly does not contain latex. When petroleum jelly comes in contact with latex, it will dissolve the material. Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of manufacturing petroleum.

Is petroleum jelly an oil?

No, contrary to popular belief, petroleum jelly is in fact a jelly.

Can you put petroleum jelly on a burn?

Petroleum jelly has many uses. Petroleum jelly may be put on a burn to help soothe it. Petroleum jelly may also reduce scarring.

Who is country made it petroleum jelly?

Petroleum Jelly was made in the United States.

Does lipstick have crude oil inside of it?

Yes, well sort of. Petroleum jelly is derived from oil, as you can read about in the attached link. Lipstick is made of many products that are derived from plants. Carnuba wax comes from palms. See links.

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You don't put eggs in petroleum jelly to preserve.

Is there a difference between vaseline and petroleum jelly?

no vaseline is brand name of petroleum jelly

How much petroleum is in petroleum jelly?

a bit

How is petroleum changed to petroleum jelly?

by adding waxes to base oils u can get petrolium jelly

What is peteroluem jelly?

Petroleum jelly is a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. I do not know what Peteroluem jelly is, maybe a semisolid mixture of Peters??

Does petroleum jelly have lanolin in it?

No. Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of the refining of oil. Lanolin is extracted from the skin of sheep.

What is petroleum jelly made out of?

Petroleum jelly contains a high amount of liquified oil and pig sperm