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Squids, octopuses, cuttlefish, argonauts and nautiluses are all types of the biggest invertebrates, the cephalopods. These creatures are shaped like cylinders. Their mouths, at the bottom end, have jaws that are shaped like beaks and are very sharp. Around the mouth are flexible muscular tentacles. Cephalopods have well-developed eyes. Scientifically speaking, the official classification for a cephalopod is Nautilida, Decapoda, Vampyromorpha or Octopoda, in the class of Cephalopoda of the phylum Mollusca.

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Q: Why is a squid considered a cephalopod?
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What type of squid is a vampire squid?

It is a small, deep-sea cephalopod

What is the classification of a squid?

Cephalopod. Although I do not know why the vampire squid is from this category

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The mantle of a squid is to cover and protect the squid's body.

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What is the Classification of a vampire squid?

A vampire squid belongs to the taxonomic classification of Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda, Order Vampyromorphida, and Family Vampyroteuthidae.

What type of skeloton do squid have?

A squid is a cephalopod, and has no skeleton at all. The only hard part of a squid is its beak.

Why is a squid like a mollusk?

A cephalopod is a type of invertibrate in the Mollusc family. Squid are type of cephalopd, along with octopus and cuttlefish.

Is a squid a mullusc?

yes they are mollusks, a cephalopod to be exact.

What is the family name of the squid?

'Squid' are an Order of cephalopods consisting of numerous families, genera and species. Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Cephalopoda, Order: Teuthida. Any species with the above, is considered a squid.

What is a cephalopod that has no shell?

A octopus is a cephalopod that has no shell. Also squid have internal shells that are not used for protection.

Is a squid a cephalopod?

Yes, an octopus is an cephalopod which means head foot. Other cephalopods include cuttlefish, squid, and an nautilus which is the only cephalopod that still carries a shell.

Is a vampire squid a mammal?

No, it is a cephalopod mollusk, not a mammal.