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Actually, it is not credible. Fox News is the media arm of the Republican party. There is nothing wrong with that (MSNBC, on the other hand, often favors the perspectives of the Democratic party), but when you use a site that is biased towards one viewpoint or another, you need to factor that in when reading what is on that site. There absolutely are some news stories that Fox reports accurately on its website, but often, the story is still told from a pro-Republican perspective. That said, there are a number of news websites that favor neither Republicans nor Democrats, and which try to be neutral. I would recommend or or the Associated Press website as three examples of generally non-partisan news sites.

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It's lost its credibility - because the UK population is fed up of being threatened with a prison sentence if we don't pay for a licence to watch TV - despite the BBC only broadcasting a tiny minority of the channels available here !

It's time the BBC found an alternative way of funding itself.

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BBC a credible website because true and fast coverage news in the world.

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One can learn more about BBC travel on the official website of the television BBC. There is a special section on the BBC website that is called BBC Travel News.

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Go to the BBC AMerica website, or the BBC's website and see if you're able to find it there.

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government sites are credible because it's the government's outlet.

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I believe you are referring to and I belive that it is a very credible website, as it is the representative of a actual organisation. Correct me if I am wrong.

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You can watch BBC shows on BBC's website. You may also watch it on sites like Facebook, or watchfreemovies website. I would recommend watching on BBC's on website for best results.

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Yes i think it is

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Cheating on this website for your homeowork is not credible towards your grade. My work wasn't credible due to the fact that I used assistance.

What are the features of the BBC website?

The BBC website is the website run by the BBC news company. The website itself covers pretty much every aspect of global news, however it mostly tends to pander to the UK.