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Calcium and radium are in the same group of the Periodic Table of Mendeleev (group 2, alkaline earth metals); consequently calcium and radium has similar chemical properties and can be interchangeable in some situations.

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Q: Why does radium substitute for calcium in bones?
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What element can substitute for calcium in the bones?

The element is radium, it can be placed in the bones.

Can radium be poisonous?

Not chemically but yes radioactively.When ingested radium substitutes for calcium in the bones. Its intense radiation first kills the osteoblasts (bone forming cells) causing bones to weaken and even crumble away, then it kills the bone marrow causing both anemia and immune system failure.

What are the negative and positive effects of radium?

the positive aspects of radium is glows in the dark and added another element to the periodic table of elements the negative aspects are it gives cancer and if ingested your body will believe its calcium causing weakening of the bones and something called radium jaw were the jaw falls of from being weakened from the radium.

What is least reactive calcium magnesium radium strontium and barium?


Is radium dangerous or explosive?

Yes. Radium is a highly radioactive alkali earth metal, and inhalation, injection, ingestion or body exposure to radium can cause chemical burns, radiation burns and can lead to cancer and other disorders. Radium is chemically similar to calcium, and it has the ability to replace calcuim in bones, which is extremely harmful. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on radium.

Where radium is found in you?

Fortunately radium don't exist normally in the human body; after an unhappy internal contamination radium can be fixed in bones.

Is Radium a main metal in the human body?

No, radium is very radioactive (emitting alpha, beta, AND gamma) and acts chemically as if it was calcium. This causes any radium that enters the body to become incorporated into the bones, where its intense radiation kills the cells that make bone (causing the bones to weaken and eventually crumble) and the blood producing cells in the marrow (causing anemia and weakening the immune system allowing severe infections to develop).

How many Alkaline earth metals are there on the Periodic Table of Elements?

Six elements are there. And they are: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, radium

How does calcium keep bones healthy?

calcium makes your bones stronger

What is heavier Beryllium magnesium calcium strontium barium or radium?

The maximum density in this list: radium with 5,50 g/cm3.

What is calcium made of?

I don't think bones are made of calcium. Calcium is a nutrition that your bones need to be strong.

What members are in the alkaline earth family?

Group 2 elements or alkaline earth metals are beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium