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Q: Why does alcohol keep you awake at night?
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Does orange keep you awake at night?

If you mean do oranges keep you awake at night, they shouldn't unless you have acid reflux. That could definitely keep you awake. If you mean the color...yeah, it keeps me awake cuz its so bright.

Will parakeets keep you awake at night?

not most

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No it will keep you awake at night and may kill you

Why does corona beer keep you awake all night?

bcuz its bomb af

Does a shot of tequila keep you awake?

I'm a taxidermist. When I want to stay awake at night, I drink a couple of Margaritas. Works all the time.

What alcohol can you drink to stay awake?

Alcohol in any form should not be your choice of beverage to stay awake.

How many cups of coffee can make you awake for the whole night?

It does not really make you stay up late unless you drink a lot!

Which animals and plants are able to keep awake for seven night?

One animal that can stay awake for seven nights is a dolphin. Dolphins can actually stay awake for two weeks before needing sleep.

Are Condors awake in the night?

Some condors may be awake at night. If you don't think so, here is some proof. A condor might be searching around for prey. They aren't usually awake at night, but they can be awake during the night.

Does cinnamon keep you awake?

It sure keeps ME awake. It actually is considered a stimulant, so I guess if youre real sensitive like I am, it can mess up your whole night.

Does Albuterol sulfate keep you awake?

Does albuterol keep you awake

What do you call an monkey which is awake in the night?

Monkeys that are awake at night are called night monkeys. Or a nocturnal monkey. kelsey