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In the luminous zone of a flame solids such as carbon are produced because there is only a small supply of oxygen to burn the fuel. In the non-luminous zone there is more oxygen and the fuel is completely oxidised to gases such as carbon dioxide.

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Q: Why does a non luminous zone produce less residue as compared to a luminous one?
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Properties of luminous and non-luminous flames?

Luminous flames emit light due to the presence of incandescent particles, such as carbon or soot, which glow at high temperatures. Non-luminous flames do not emit visible light because the combustion process is more complete, leading to less soot formation and cooler temperatures. Luminous flames are typically yellow or orange in color, while non-luminous flames are usually blue.

Which bunsen burner luminous or non luminous flame used in laboratory and why?

A non-luminous flame is typically used in laboratory settings when using a Bunsen burner. This flame produces a more controlled and homogeneous heat source, making it ideal for processes like heating, sterilizing, and combustion analysis. The non-luminous flame also produces less soot and is more energy efficient compared to a luminous flame.

Formula between Current and luminous intensity?

Any formula relating those two quantities must depend on the technique used to generate light by means of electric current. We know that there can't be one universal formula because, for example, we know that a compact fluorescent lamp uses less current to produce more luminous intensity than an incandescent lamp.

When the Bunsen burner is on but no experiment is being carried out why is it advisable to set it to the luminous flame?

Setting the Bunsen burner to the luminous flame when not in use helps prevent soot buildup on the burner. The luminous flame produces less heat and is less likely to cause accidental burns or ignition of nearby materials in case of a mishap. Additionally, it reduces the risk of gas leakage since the flame is more stable and less likely to flicker.

Are stars luminescent?

Strictly speaking, no; stars are incandescent (light resulting from heat) as opposed to luminscent (light resulting from non-thermal based effects). One might, however, safely describe stars as "luminous" in a metaporical sense.

Related questions

Does a non luminous flame produce a lot of carbon residue?

Yes, non-luminous flames produce less carbon residue compared to luminous flames. These flames have the right amount of oxygen for combustion, resulting in more complete burning of the fuel and less soot or carbon deposit.

What are the advantages of using a non-luminous flame?

Non-luminous flames burn hotter and more efficiently compared to luminous flames. They also produce less soot and are less likely to deposit carbon on surfaces. Non-luminous flames are often preferred for applications requiring high heat intensity and precision.

Properties of luminous and non-luminous flames?

Luminous flames emit light due to the presence of incandescent particles, such as carbon or soot, which glow at high temperatures. Non-luminous flames do not emit visible light because the combustion process is more complete, leading to less soot formation and cooler temperatures. Luminous flames are typically yellow or orange in color, while non-luminous flames are usually blue.

How luminous is a white dwarf?

White dwarfs are not very luminous compared to other stars. While they can be thousands of times more luminous than the Sun due to their high surface temperatures, their small size limits their overall brightness. They are often dimmer than main sequence stars of similar mass.

Which bunsen burner luminous or non luminous flame used in laboratory and why?

A non-luminous flame is typically used in laboratory settings when using a Bunsen burner. This flame produces a more controlled and homogeneous heat source, making it ideal for processes like heating, sterilizing, and combustion analysis. The non-luminous flame also produces less soot and is more energy efficient compared to a luminous flame.

Is the temperature of a luminous flame greater or less than that of a nonluminous flame?

a non-luminous flame- when the air hole of the Bunsen Burner is open"when the air hole is open, more oxygen can enter the burner; therefore, hotter flame will be produced."its color is transparent or blueBlue flames are the hottest flamesa luminous flame is produced when the air hole is closed.."if the air hole is closed, oxygen cannot enter the burner; therefore, least hotter because the combustion is not fully complete with least oxygenA luminous flame has an outer of orange color and an inner of blue.Luminous flames emits more light than non-luminous flames.three things to produce flame1.fuel2.oxygen3.friction or source of sparkLuminous objects emit light. The sun is luminous; the moon is non-luminous.

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Low amplitude sound waves produce quieter sounds that are less intense and have lower volume. They are typically perceived as softer and less powerful compared to high amplitude sounds.

What are the advantages of organic herbs?

less pesticide residue

Why are luminous flames preferred?

The temperature is higher and the soot is minimal.

Why cng is called clean fuel?

Compressed Natural Gas is a cleaner fuel because it produce less or neglible amount of residue and smoke. Nowadays, petrol and diesel is being replacedby CNG in transport fuel as it cause less harm to the environment

Why is it advisable to turn a luminous flame to a non luminous flame when the flame is not in use?

Turning a luminous flame to a non-luminous flame when not in use conserves fuel because non-luminous flames burn more efficiently. A non-luminous flame produces less soot and smoke, making it safer and better for indoor air quality.

Formula between Current and luminous intensity?

Any formula relating those two quantities must depend on the technique used to generate light by means of electric current. We know that there can't be one universal formula because, for example, we know that a compact fluorescent lamp uses less current to produce more luminous intensity than an incandescent lamp.