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The townspeople are worried about having Tom Robinson in the jail. Atticus takes the extension cord and a light bulb and sits outside the jail and reads while waiting for the mob to show up, which they do.

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Q: Why does Atticus leaves the house with the extension cord?
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Why did Atticus Need the extension cord in to kill a mockingbird?

Atticus needed the extension cord to provide light to read in the evenings since the electricity in his house was limited. This allowed him to continue reading and working on his cases at night.

Why does Atticus take the light and the extension cord when he leaves that night?

atticus needed it for a light source to read his book while guarding tom Robinson while he wasin his room.Atticus needs the extension cord so he can take the lamp to the front of the jail and read while he's sitting in the chair.

What does atticus take with him when he leaves on Sunday evening?

A long electrical extension cord with a light bulb on the end :)

Why did Atticus need an extension cord?

Atticus needs the extension cord so he can take the lamp to the front of the jail and read while he's sitting in the chair. It's not just because he needs the light to see to read, but he..

Is it acceptable by OSHA to plug an extension cord into another extension cord-?

You can plug an extension cord into another extension cord. A extension cord is to help make doing something easier.

How do you set up outdoor Christmas lights?

You have to get an extension cord and plug them into it and then plug the extension cord somewhere in your house, if you do not have some type of outdoor outlet. You might try to get the extension cord through a window and then close the window as much as possible.

Extension Cord?

form_title= Extension Cord form_header= Install extension cords in your office. What size extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] What color extension cord do you need?*= _ [50] Do you need a 3 prong extension cord?*= () Yes () No

What kind of extension cord can be used for outdoors?

normaly we can use water proof extension cord

What are the adjectives in That night they ran an extension cord from the nearby house and watched movies on a VCR?

The adjectives in the sentence are "nearby" and "VCR".

Does a long extension cord draw more power than a short extension cord?

No. However, a longer extension cord has higher resistance for a given wire gauge or size compared to a short extension cord and the voltage at the load device may drop so low that it doesn't work properly. This may also be accompanied by a noticeable rise in the temperature of the extension cord. As a rule, use the shortest extension cord that will get the job done. If the extension cord must be long, use one that has heavy gauge wire to minimize voltage drop at the load.

What is the use of extension c holder?

An extension cord holder is used to hold an extension cord. It wraps around the holder, for easy release and withdrawal.

Is it safe to touch a extension cord while its plugged in?

Yes, it safe to touch a extension cord while its plugged in.