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any time it dosent matter it might not help

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Q: Why do you press the space bar when you fight Zeus on Poptropica?
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What happen when you get to the top of Zeus hill poptropica?

you fight Zeus to become a god

Why do you glow when you fight Zeus on poptropica?

to make you look cool.

How do you make the ball of lightning to fight Zeus on poptropica?

You get hades crown and posidens trident.

What do you do after the gods have given their items to you in poptropica mythology?

you go to Mount Olympus and fight Zeus

When your fighting Zeus how do you use that skull crown?

you have to press the space bar

How do you get Zeus' hand thing on Poptropica?

to get Zeus's trident on poptropica you have to buy it for 250 credits

How to complete mythology on Poptropica?

To complete the Mythology Island quest on Poptropica, you must find and return five items to their rightful owners, defeat five mythological creatures, and ultimately confront Zeus in the final challenge. You'll need to solve puzzles, interact with characters, and use your wits to progress through the island's challenges and complete the storyline.

When does Zeus steal your items on poptropica?

first you find all your items and then go to where all the trees are Zeus will then come and take your items and you then fight him and get all your items back and Athena will give you the island medallion

What is Zeus weakness on Poptropica?


How do you customize Zeus on poptropica?

you cant

Is it true on Poptropica that all Poptropica will feel Zeus' wrath?

it won't if you defeat him!

What do you use the darmacha for in mythology island in poptropica?

is for when you complete everything and go fight Zeus you'll see someone selling air bag.Thats when you use the darmacha