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Studies have shown that it is our natural circadian rhythm to stay open 1 hour later each day, if not given any feedback as to what time it is. The extra hour means that we operate on a 25-hour day. I guess it's just something we will all have to fight as long as we live!

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Q: Why do you not want to get into bed at night but not want to get out of it in the morning?
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Your bed.

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What comes two times a year and it wakes at night and goes to bed in the morning?

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Because you just had a nice deep sleep, so yiu really dont want to exit yout bed.

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Which composer's dad would make him get up out of bed in the middle of the night to practice until morning?

Should women wear bras to bed?

If you want to be ready in the morning, then, yeah. No if you want to take it off in the morning.

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If she texted you back then that is a good sign. But if she don't text you back then that may be a sign of cheating. You may want to ask her do you want to have dinner then have her spend the night.... It really did work for me no lie!

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Wake them up very early in the morning so they will want to go to bed in the evening.

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every morning, sugar ray

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yes and the more often you take it the worse it is !

Which president was a night owl who sledom went to bed before two o'clock in the morning?

John F Kennedy