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Some people only sneeze once. Like me but my sneeze is a scream. I sneeze from my throat so that is probably why I only sneeze once. When you sneeze it is normally because your nasal passages are filled with mucus and your body is trying to remove it. When you sneeze multiple times it is just a reaction. Have you noticed if someone tickles your nose or you look at the sun you sneeze? After one sneeze some people have that tickle feeling so they sneeze repeatedly.

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Q: Why do you never sneeze just one time?
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Who can sneeze with their eyes open?

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How come when you sneeze it is usually followed by a second one?

When you sneeze, you whoosh alot of air out of your nose and mouth. Since your body has a natural reaction; to get more air into your body to replace the air you just whooshed out; you inhale immediately after sneezing, and if you breathe in too quickly, you irritate the inside of your nose, and then causing another sneeze and sometimes another and another. ~Cherry.girl**

What is the proper etiquette for sneezing while swimming in a pool - assuming you can't get out of the pool in time to cover it properly?

Ask some one to throw you a tissue maybe. This one really has me stumped to some degree. Just do the best you can to sneeze into your upper arm and try to get out of the pool as best you can.

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They're Just wasting your time get rid of them!

Is it bad to sneeze?

No, it's one of your body's natural reflexes.

I am 14 and have never had a boyfriend i am also in eighth grade and im worried i 'll never get one- what do i do?

Don't worry about it, you just haven't met the right one yet, but it will happen when it's the right time. Just live your life, you are only in 8th grade, you have nothing to worry about. God will send you the right person when the time is right.

What is one thing that is physically impossible to do when you sneeze?

It is physically impossible to close your eyes when you sneeze. Closing your eyes while sneezing is a physiological reaction that you have no control over.

What can you do in one second?

answer this blink sneeze smile laugh shiver twitch