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Q: Why do the very young and the very old don't always have enough antibodies?
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you dont have an infection

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i dont know gurl i hope he's young enough but not dat young ya dig

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i dont no but i said i was 20 but i am not am 12

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to keep pop fresh always leave it up staright, dont shake it , dont tighten it as hard as you can just tight enough to open it again with out struggling

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the anwser is they dont have a young

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there is always plenty to eat and always enough to go around. but once it is gone depending on where you are stationed its gone. there is enough to go around but u dont eat to get full u r in the military u think tey r going to wait on u to finish ur meal I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!! there is enough to go around but u dont eat to get full u r in the military u think tey r going to wait on u to finish ur meal I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!

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They occur whenever we dont have enough resources to produce all the things we like to have. By : Taylor S Locklear

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they dont care for young

How do you ask out twelve year old boy out for a eleven year old girl?

you dont. if they want to go out, (in my opinion they are way to young) she has to be gutsy enough to do it herself.

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you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy

Why are America's kids getting fat?

They want to!Some don't care about them selves.Parents don't take care of them enough to stop it!Good enough for you?It's always going to happen.So just dont worry about it