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Broadcast Television stations are heavily reliant on communication with other television production organizations and content delivery companies.

Although land based communications are becoming ever faster, the television industry has been built on satellite communication systems due to the very mobile nature of news and event gathering production units. Live news feeds can be obtained from almost anywhere in the world with a satellite transmission. The signal can be transported around the world an back to base stations with ease.

TV stations use several satellites for incoming and outgoing signals, hence the array of dishes, all of which can be active at any time.

Unlike domestic satellite dishes, commercial dishes need to be capable of receiving low power transmissions from satellites that are not always in ideal locations. The large size of the dishes allows higher signal levels to be captured, from satellites that many be low in the sky and also overcome the problem of weather related dropout occasionally experienced by residential dishes.

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Q: Why do local broadcast television stations have so many large satellite dishes?
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They are a valuable commodity, as they have a number of different uses. They can be used to broadcast wireless networks over a large area. They can also be used to receive Free-to-Air satellite TV when properly retrofitted.

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People have satellite dishes to receive television signals from satellites orbiting the Earth. These signals provide access to a wide range of TV channels and programs. Satellite dishes are often used in areas where traditional cable or internet-based TV services are not readily available.

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Chairman and CEO Ergen developed the company's DTH products and services, which included direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television dishes, integrated receivers and descramblers, programming, installation,

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Direct to home (DTH) television is a wireless system for delivering television programs directly to the viewer's house. In DTH television, the broadcast signals are transmitted from satellites orbiting the Earth to the viewer's house. Each satellite is located approximately 35,700 km above the Earth in geosynchronous orbit. These satellites receive the signals from thebroadcast stations located on Earth and rebroadcast them to the Earth The Overall System Early satellite TV viewers were explorers of sorts. They used their expensive dishes to discover unique programming that wasn't necessarily intended for mass audiences. The dish and receiving equipment gave viewers the tools to pick up foreign stations, live feeds between different broadcast stations, NASA activities and a lot of other stuff transmitted using satellites. Some satellite owners still seek out this sort of programming on their own, but today, most Direct to home TV customers get their programming through a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) provider, such as DirecTV or the Dish Network. The provider selects programs and broadcasts them to subscribers as a set package. Basically, the provider's goal is to bring dozens or even hundreds of channels to your television in a form that approximates the competition, cable TV. Unlike earlier programming, the provider's broadcast is completely digital, which means it has much better picture and sound quality. Early satellite television was broadcast in C-band radio -- radio in the 3.4-gigahertz (GHz) to 7-GHz frequency range. Digital broadcast satellite transmits programming in the Ku frequency range (12 GHz to 14 GHz ).

Are television satellite dishes obselete?

No, satellite dishes are not obsolete and are still pretty popular with some people. the biggest problem with this type of TV service is the fees, credit checks, and installation costs that make it unpopular.

Do satellite TV providers supply the satellite dishes?

Yes, satellite TV providers provide all the hardware when one subscribes to their service. The hardware usually includes a satellite dish, a receiver box with a personal video recorder, a remote and the satellite TV service.

Will satellite tv be effected by everything going digital on Feb. 17, 2009?

DTV transition will not affect satellite TV subscribers who receive their local TV stations through their satellite dishes. Satellite TV service is a digital service and all satellite subscribers must have a set-top box connected to their TVs to receive the satellite-delivered programming. you should check with your provider to find out if you receive a local TV station package through your satellite dish just to make sure. Your satellite TV system may be using digital technology as a more efficient way of delivering analog programming to you but if you have an analog television set, then you are probably not getting digital. Bottom line� your satellite tv service might be fine but your tv will not be.

Where can you get a backyard satellite dish?

To find a satellite dish antenna for sale, going to the local television company would be the first stop. Typically they have a wide selection of satellite dish accessories and satellite dishes.

What are the disadvantages of satellite tv over regular cable tv?

One of the disadvantages of satellite tv is that for each tv, you need one dish, if you have 5 tvs in your house you will need 5 dishes. Also satellite reception can be degraded due to bad weather.

Where can I buy an HD satellite dish?

You can usually get an HD satellite dish from your satellite company. Direct TV or Dish Network are two large companies that are available in almost every area. They have HD satellite dishes.

Will satellite dishes pickup digital television waves?

Yes, but with such low efficiency that it's not an effective use for it.