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They are close to the bottom layer of the food chain. In order for the survival of the species, when they reproduce, they do so in the millions so that a few of the progeny will be bound to survive sometimes.

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Q: Why do fish and frogs make so many gametes?
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Why do frogs lay number of eggs?

Because so many of the tadpoles never make it to adult hood - many animals eat tadpoles and young frogs, such as birds, fish and diving beetles.

What is a shedding of gametes into water?

A shedding of gametes into water refers to the release of reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, by aquatic organisms directly into the surrounding water. This method of reproduction is common in many marine organisms, such as fish and sea urchins, as well as in some freshwater species like frogs and certain types of algae. By dispersing their gametes in water, these organisms increase the likelihood of successful fertilization and subsequent development.

What animal hatched egg in his mouth?

Many fish and some frogs.

What has a rough croaking sound?

Many species of frogs and toads make rough, croaking sounds. There are also some birds, amphibians, and fish that are also capable of making similar sounds.

What lives in a pond other than fish and frogs?

Many animals live in ponds. Toads, frogs, fish, bugs, turtles, and many more! You'll also find ducks, and maybe even geese! (depending on where you live)

What is the blue herons diet?

Blue herons eat mainly fish, frogs, small snakes.

Skin color in a fish is inherited via a single gene with four different alleles How many different types of gametes would be possible in this system?

it's genotypes not gametes

Why do fish and frogs lay eggs in hundreds where as a hen lays only one at a time?

chickens are larger they cant produce that many. also hens raise their young so they have a highersurvivalrate where frogs just lay the eggs and and leave same goes for fish and only a small % of them will make it to sexual maturity

If an organism has 6 chromosomes how many diff types of gametes can they make?


What animals live in the river?

Fish, turtles, frogs, insects, worms and many other animals.

Which animals have external fertilization?

amphibians and fish eg salmon, frogs ect1. crab 2. beetle3. ant4. many fish spawn

How many gametes do insects have?

Approximately 2,468,754.156247892 gametes