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Dionysus' mother was a mortal. Mortals couldn't handle the full godliness of someone like Zeus, and Dionysus' mortal mother couldn't stop begging to see Zeus in his full godliness. Finally, Zeus couldn't take the begging, and he let her see himself for the real him, and she burst into flames. Once Zeus realized that Dionysus was in the womb of his mortal mother, not fully grown, Zeus had Hermes come and rescue Dionysus, and Zeus created a hole in his thigh, where Dionysus could mature into a real baby, instead of a fetus. Once Dionysus was a fully grown baby, Zeus opened up that hole, and out came Dionysus.

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Q: Why did Zeus stitch dionysus into his thigh?
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How was dionysus born?

From Zeus's thigh.

How is Dionysus born?

Dionysus,or Dionysos was born from Zeus thigh!!!!!!!

According to the myth how is Dionysus born?

From the thigh of Zeus.

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He was born from the thigh of his father Zeus,

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none semele and zeus were his parents and semele died when dionysus was in her so zeus took him out and put him in his thigh.

Who rescued Dionysus?

Zeus got the baby Dionysus out of Zeus' thigh, where he had matured, gave him to Hermes, who passed him on to some nymphs who brought him up.

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When Semele, mother of Dionysus, died with Dionysus yet not born, Zeus took out the unborn child and sewed him into his thigh, where Dionysus developed until he was born.

Who are the parents of the Greek god Dionysus?

Semele is said to be the mother and Zeus is said to be the father since he sewed Dionysus into his thigh until he was ready to be born

Who are the God Dionysus parents?

The parents of Dionysus are Simele (a mortal women-Mother) and Zeus (king of the gods-Father). Dionysus was born out of Zeus thigh. He is the god of wine. Dionysus was almost always on earth partying. Hestia gave up her throne on Olympus for him. She is always very kind.

What is the relation between Zeus and Dionysus?

In Greek mythology, Zeus and Dionysus are both gods, but they represent different aspects of life. Zeus is the king of the gods and the god of the sky and thunder, while Dionysus is the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. They are both important figures in the Greek pantheon, but they do not have a direct familial relationship.

How did resurrection come to be associated with dionysus?

The mythical god Zeus fathered a child by a mortal named Semele. A couple months later Semele angered Zeus and he struck her with a thunderbolt, Before she became a heap of ashes Zeus, yanked in foetus from her womb and sewed it into his own thigh where it developed and was born. This how the child, Dionysus became known as "The Twice Born" ... once when he was pulled from Semele's womb and the second time from Zeus' thigh. Resurrection?

Why is dionysus called the resurrecting god?

Zeus became angry with Dionysus' mother, Semele while she was pregnant with him. He slammed her with a thunderbolt, and as she burned down to an ash heap, Zeus grabbed the infant from her womb and sewed it into his own leg. When the infant was strong enough to be born, Zeus cut the stitches, removed the baby and named him Dionysus. Since Dionysus was 'Born Twice,' once when he was pulled from his mother's womb, and again from Zeus' thigh, he was sometimes call the 'Resurrected God.'