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== == You have to break this all of the way down to cells. When a cell takes in seawater, it also takes in salt. Salt will dehydrate the cell so if the cells dehydrate, you dehydrate. == == You may think you are rehydrating when you drink salt water but you're not. The kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking salt water, you have to urinate more water than you drank, so you die of dehydration. Here is the complicated reason. It is because of hypertonic solution. Hypertonic solution means that outside of the cell is saltier than inside the cell. Water moves out of the cell to create equilibrium (a contition in which the concentration of a substance is equal throughout a space) and then the cell shrinks. This makes your blood diluted which in the end is bad.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Ocean water has i high salt content, and humans use water to level out the salt content in their bodies, so they don't dehydrate. Since ocean water has that high salt content, if you drank to much, you would quickly experience the feelings of diarrhea, and dehydration, and once the human body becomes about 20% dehydrated, that person will die. Drink fresh water instead, or to counteract the salt content of the ocean water.

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11y ago

because you might swollow it and it will not tastes nies

Salinity is usually measured by the weight or amount of salt contained in water expressed as "parts per million" or ppm.Water is considered highly saline if it contains annywhere from 10,000-35,000 ppm of dissolved salts.Human can't drink salt water because the kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water,Therefore,to get rid all the excess salt taken in by drinking salt water,you have to urinate more water than you drank,so you die of dehyderation.

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11y ago

You know how sea water of a whitish foamy colour? That is because of the high levels of salt in the sea. You don't want to drink it because salt has much sodium in it.

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Q: Why people shouldn't drink ocean water?
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How is ocean water different from water that people drink?

Ocean water is salt water and has more "stuff" in it. ;)

Why shouldn't drink ocean water?

The water from an ocean is salt water, it will make you ill and can be fatal if you continue to drink it.

Why don't people and animals drink sea or ocean water?

Sea or ocean water is saline (salty) water that when people drink it they got more thirsty. It may also cause some negative health effects. See link below.

Do you drink ocean water?

Ocean water is very salty and it could kill you if you drink all lot of it.

What is water you can't drink?

You can drink any water, but it is not good to drink water that is contaminated with microbes, such as lake, river, pond, or ocean water. Also, ocean water isn't good to drink because of its high salt content.

Does Australia get salt or fresh water?

Australia people drink fresh water like we do, though their continent is surrounded by ocean water.

Is it good to drink ocean water?


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Why is it unhealthy for humans to drink ocean water?

It is unhealthy for humans to drink ocean water. This is because of all the microorganisms in it and the fact that the salt in the ocean will dehydrate the person.

What kind of water does a penguin drink?

They get all their water through the things they eat.

Do hermit crabs have to drink ocean water?

They live in the ocean - it would be a little difficult to drink freshwater.

Should you drink water before bed?

if your thirsty... but if your not thirsty u shouldnt because u will probably wet the bed