

Why can men not pee straight?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Why can men not pee straight?
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Can Riley pee straight?

yes he can

What to do if it hurts when you pee?

dont pee... or go to a doctor..g0 straight to the doctor.

How do gay people pee?

Gay people pee exactly the same way straight people do.

How do really fat men pee?

they pee out of their bellie buttons.

How can a girl pee straight?

spread apart the labia (lips) and pee full forse

How do you pee with a prince albert?

For men that have Prince Albert piercings, there are two way to pee with the piercing. Some men will still prefer to stand and pee with the piercings. However, doing this you will have to be careful with some pee dribling down the piercing. Some men that have gotten the piercing prefer to sit down and pee. Which way you do it is up to you.

Do women always pee straight down and can they pee forward 45 to 50 degree angle?

Generally women pee mostly straight in line with their bodies. By manipulating the skin just inside the labia majora ( a finger on each side of the urethra) and pulling up, she can pee nearly straight out from her body at a 90 degree angle. It does take practice, usually best in the shower.

What percent of men sit to pee?


Who can pee further men or women?

Of course women, if they can direct their streams horizontally. Have you ever heard how women pee? It's much louder than men.

Why do men put pee in a bottle.?

It is only if they are stuck in traffic and are affraid to go outside and pee so they grab a bottle and pee in it! WOMEN CAN TOO!

Most Indian men gay?

No. Most Indian men are straight. Most of ALL men are straight.

How do you men pee?

Stand-in up pointing down