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the reason that a virus can go through s porcelain filter is because they are much smaller but more powerful than bacteria.

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Q: Why can a porcelain filter catch all bacteria but viruses go through?
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Why is 0.2 micron filter considered a sterile filter?

The pore size of a filter allows it to prevent the movement of certain particles depending on the size of those particles. The smaller the size of the pores, the smaller the set of particles which can pass the filter. A filter with 0.2 pore size can prevent most forms of bacteria and some very large viruses from passing through the filter since bacteria tend to range from about 0.1 micrometers to 600 micrometers. Many viruses are less than 0.1 micrometers, however, so a 0.2 micron filter is not nearly as effective for viruses.

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filter,diatom,bacteriophage,or vaccine

What fluid contains weakened disease causing viruses or bacteria?

filter,diatom,bacteriophage,or vaccine

What is an organism so small it can pass through a porcelain filter and can be crystallized?

A filterable virus.

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What happens if you don't filter water?

It contains microbes...if we drink the unfiltered water..we'll fall ill! :)

When was the first virus found in both plants and animals?

The first virus discovered was Tobacco mosaic virus. Ivanoski reported in 1892 that extracts from infected leaves were still infectious even after filtration through a special filter. Bacteria are retained by such filters, but these organisms pass through this. Termed as Viruses.

Is using a bad water filter bad for you?

Yes, because then germs and viruses can come through and enter your body.

What is e-scout?

Spam and virus filter that stops internet spam and viruses as well as email spam mail. Before email is sent to the user it has to go through the e-Scout filter which checks for viruses and other things that may be harmful to your computer.

How does a fungi get its food?

Fungi receives food through filter feeding. It can also just eat bacteria.

The organ that filters blood is the?

The spleen acts as a filter for your blood, cleansing it of bacteria, viruses and other debris. When blood flows through your spleen, white blood cells attack and remove any foreign invaders. This keeps your blood clean and helps protect you against infection.

How do you think to carry a water filter for outdoor?

Outdoor water source such as streams or rivers often be contaminated with a whole host of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, so it is necessary to carry a water filter for outdoor. Bottled water is also a good choice.