

Why are people so tall?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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9y ago

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People are tall because of their genetics. People will get their height from the genes of their parents and ancestors.

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it related about his/her jeen........ so we dont give medicine for tall people

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to get people scared

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There is no choice, so there is nothing to debate. That's like asking if tall people should be able to be tall.

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Why do people tall?

people get tall because of the jeans of there family like there grandmother might be tall but you mother might be short and your father might be tall too so you are more then likely to become tall I am only 14 and I am almost 6feet tall I am a girl my father is tall my mother is short but my moms mom is also tall too so thats what gave me the jeans to become tall and to let you know I freaking hate being tall because now it is hard finding a tall boyfriend really cute and really taller then me

Why are you so tall you are 6ft6 and only 16?

it just depends on your genes. If your parents are tall you will most likely be tall as well but it also depends on when you hit puberty - some people are small for a long time and suddenly shoot up and are very tall, yet some people are already tall and don't grow much more.

Why are people tall?

Tall people are tall, because of their genetics. Ex: if your mom is tall and your dad is tall then you are most likely going to be tall, too. (:

Do height predictors do right?

no there not always right well they hardly ever are no one can predict it cause there are short people with tall parents and tall people with short parents so therefor there's no exact answer.

Why are some houses tall?

Because according to the population of Singapore's people, it is increasing! So they need more floors for people to stay...

Who started tall tales?

Tall people.