A male gorilla is typically much larger than a male kangaroo. While a kangaroo's kick can disembowel, a gorilla's heavier frame and ability to grapple an opponent would likely carry the day for it.
The medium ox would win because it would knock the gorilla out with its hooves.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
The Gorilla. More aggressive,better armed,and has the ability to stand on 2 legs and punch.
raiden would win
A lion would win because it can even kill a wolf.
A rhino could flip a gorilla
A gorilla has no chance to fight a rhino.
a kangaroo can punch and kick a gorilla with its arms and back legs
a silver back gorilla would win easily win!
Probably the gorilla, as cougars do not like to fight an animal that will stand up to it and be prepared to fight it.
The gorilla would win on land. It can break the crocodile's jaw or shut it tight. In water, the crocodile would bite the gorilla and drag it underwater.
Elephant .
a bear
The black bear would win.
It would depend on where they are fighting.
* if a gorilla ever got into a fight with a pack of bamboons, most likely the bamboons would, but it is more of a 50% 50% chance in the fight