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Q: Who were the main combatants of World War 1?
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Related questions

How many combatants from both sides died in World War 1?

15 million

What were the combatants of world war 1 and 2?

It's in page 563 of your text book!

How many US soldiers fought in World War 1?

Approximately 65 million combatants fought in Word War 1.

How many millions men fourth in World War I?

Approximately 65 million combatants fought in World War 1.

Were submarines useful in World War 1?

Yes, many submarines were used in WW1 by most of the major combatants.

What nation was not a combatant at the beginning of World War I?

The United States was one of many nations that were not combatants at the beginning of World War 1.

Who were the main leaders for World War I?

world war 1

What Black powder rifles used in world war 1?

none, all the combatants of WW1 had already completely switched to smokeless powders.

Which factor most contributed to the huge casualties suffered by the combatants in World War 1?

The development of devastating new weapons technologies.

What was the main world war 1 theatres of war?

you mum was the reason

How was World War 1 an imperialist war?

All of the major European combatants held imperial colonies in all parts of he world and were able to draw troops from there as well as threaten enemy colonies, so that the war took on a truly international scope.

What role did the assassination play in the outbreak of the war?

It was the main cause