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Q: Who was the most decorated US soldier in the Korean War?
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Who was the most decorated soldier of the Korean War?

David Hackworth

What do the most decorated US soldier in World War 1 and the most decorated US soldier in World War 2 have in common?

They were from Texas

Most decorated us soldier World War 1?

robert howard

What is the name of the most decorated American soldier of World War 2?

Audie Murphy.

Who is the most decorated soldier in the Philippines during World War 2?

ferdinand marcos

Who is most decorated soldier in Vietnam war still alive?

Possibly Robert L. Howard

Who was the most highly decorated British soldier in World War 1?

Lance Corporal William Coltman of The North Staffordshire Regiment is the most decorated soldier of World War 1 with five gallantry decorations which are Victoria Cross, Distinguished Conduct Medal & Bar, and Millitary Madal & Bar.

Which actor was a true war hero?

Audie Murphy was the most decorated American soldier in World War2.

Most decorative World War 2 soldiers?

Audie Murphy: Is the most decorated soldier of WWII He is buried in Arlington Cemetery

Who was the second most decorated soldier in world war 2?

Major Audie Murphy is generally considered to be the most decorated U.S. combat soldier in WW2 since WW2 until Lt. Colonel Matt Urban was considered to be the most decorated U.S. combat soldier and officer, ww2 in 1980 when he was awarded the Medal of Honor and some other prevously recommended decorations for WW2 --"The Matt urban Story", 1989.

What was a soldier's life like in the Korean War?

It was horrible.

Who is the Hispanic soldier during Korea's war?

See website: Korean War