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Josef Mengele and the Nazis in the Gas Chambers

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Q: Who used Hydrogen Cyanide during the holocaust?
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What is cyandie used for?

Cyanide is a poison, and Hydrogen Cyanide is often used to purify gold.

What gas was used in the Jews showers in the Holocaust?

Cyanide gas. Isn't that just horrible though! The thought of the Holocaust just gives me chills. What kind of planet is this? It's impossible for anybody to be so evil... I hate Hitler and i hope he is rotting in h*ll

The name of the gas that was used to kill jews?

Zyklon B, a brand name for a form of Hydrogen Cyanide

What was the name of the rat killer used in the Holocaust?

The cyanide based pesticide which was used by the Nazis to kill Jews was called Zyklon B.

Cyanide compounds are widely used during?

- gold extraction is based on sodium cyanide- sodium cyanide is an important feedstock for the organic chemicals industry

Is cyanide found in plastic?

We all may hope NOT as free ionic compound, because cyanide is very, very toxic; e.g. used in the Holocaust German gas chambers as Zyclon(R)B

What is Hydro Cyanide?

Hydrocyanic acid, or hydrogen cyanide is a chemical compound with the formula HCN. It is a gas and a weak acid. HCN and it's salts including sodium cyanide (NaCN) and potassium cyanide (KCN) are extremely toxic.

What is cyclone b?

Cyclone b could refer to any hurricane or major tropical storm beginning with the letter B. Alternatively, it could be a misspelling of Cyklon B (also spelled Zyklon B), the granulated chemical poison gas used release Hydrogen Cyanide gas into gas chambers used to execute groups of Jewish prisoners during the Jewish Holocaust of WWII.

What is use of HCN?

HCN is a compound called hydrogen cyanide. It is commonly known as just cyanide and became infamous as a poison. It is a carbon atom, a hydrogen atom and a nitrogen atom combined in what is called a linear molecular shape. The nitrogen has 3 bonds to the central carbon, and the hydrogen has a single bond to the carbon.

What are the elements in hydrogen cyanide?

It is- The principal process used to manufacture cyanides in which gaseous hydrogen cyanide is produced from methane and ammonia in the presence of oxygen and a platinem catalist. 2 CH4 + 2 NH3 + 3 O2 → 2 HCN + 6 H2O Gaseous hydrogen cyanide may be dissolved in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to produce sodium hydroxide.

What is the correct name for the compound HCN (g)?

The IUPAC name is formonitrile, the common used name is hydrogen cyanide.

In industry cyanide are widely used during?

The extraction of gold and in electroplating of metals.