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Q: Who thought fire was one of four elements?
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Why isn't electricity one of the four elements?

It's Fire.

What was one idea Empedocles came up with?

The idea of the four elements. The four elements were air, earth, fire and water.

Is earth an element?

yes its one of the four elements - earth, fire, air and water

What are the four main elements?

four elements that are substances are gas,solid,and liquid!!!guess the last one

Do Zoroastrians worship fire?

no but fire is held wit revrance as the symbol of god

Where can one find more information about the four elements?

Earth, Air, Fire, or Water? Everybody is supposedly one of them. All of these elements can be found in school science books or any good encyclopedia.

What did Aristotle think about matter?

Aristotle believed that everything was made from the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. He also believed that the elements could be transformed into one another.

What is not one of Aristotle and four elements?

An overripe banana is not one of his elements.

What does aires symbolizes?

air - a universal power. It has a fundamental importance to life and is one of the four classical elements (Air, Water, Fire and Earth)

How was the idea for the periodic table thought of?

In Ancient Greece, the influential Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that there were four main elements: air, fire, earth and water. All of these elements could be reacted to create another one; e.g., earth and fire combined to form lava. However, this theory was dismissed when the real chemical elements started being discovered. Scientists needed an easily accessible, well organized database with which information about the elements could be recorded and accessed. This was to be known as the periodic table.

The greek philosophers believed in four basic elements which of the following was not specifically identified as one of these?

metal Ans#2: If you ask a question like this, you have to include the choices you were given. But I can tell you that the four elements they believed in were earth, air, water, and fire. There was also one called quintessence, which they believed the cosmos was made out of.

Which of the following elements is not one of the four most common elements in living things?

Hard to say since you're not mentioning the four elements.