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Camelot is known to us only from Arthurian legend, mostly from later Arthurian legend.

According to the Post-Vulgate Arthurian Cycle, after Arthur had vanished and Lancelot had died and been buried at Joyous Gard, old King Mark of Cornwall, made an alliance with the Saxons, and they plundered most of Britain, destroying Lancelot's tomb and burning down Camelot.

This story may have been invented to explain why neither Joyous Gard on the Humber or Camelot near the Forest of Camelot on the River of Camelot could be identified with real places.

Gildas in his De Excidu Britanniae, complains about the ill deeds of five contemporary kings of Britain. Four of these are then listed by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regem Britanniae as the kings who reigned following Arthur: Constantine, Aurelius Conan, Vortipore, and Malgo.

According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, Constantine is the son of Duke Cador of Cornwall, one of Arthur's most faithful supporters. (Don't ask how Cador relates to King Mark of Cornwall. There are also King Yder of Cornwall and King Caberentin of Cornwall in Arthurian legend.)

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