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In Greek mythology the god Zeus was the lord of lightning and the sky. The Romans hold that Jupiter was the god of lightning and all things of the sky. In the Norse mythology, Thor is associated with lightning. Raijin or Raiden (as featured in the game Mortal Kombat) is the god of lightning and thunder in Japanese mythology. The Mayans held that Spaciouswas the god of lightning, while the Egyptians bowed to Set(Seth) as the god who controlled lightning.
Zeus if you're talking Greek mythology and Jupiter if you're talking Roman Mythology. Also, the Vikings believed in Thor.

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16y ago

The Roman names of the ancient god of thunder Zeus are Jupiter, Jove

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15y ago

Indra is the Hindu god of rain and thunder.

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16y ago

Ζεύς/ Δίας - Zeus/ Dias/ Jupiter are the names Greek/ Latin of the ancient god who use to thunder on the land

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Thor not Thorr

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In Norse mythology Thor

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