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Serbia's AlliesIn WWI the allied forces (Britain, France, and later on America and Italy) were all allied with Serbia against the Austro-Hungarians and the Germans.

In the middle ages, the Byzantine Empire was the Serbian Empire's friend. When Serbia was occupied by the Ottomans, Austria, Poland and Venice helped Serbia. During the first Balkan War, Bulgaria and Greece were allies. During the 2nd Balkan War, Serbia allied with Greece. During the WWI, besides those already listed, Serbia also allied with Russia, traditional friend to Serbia. During WWII, Serbian allies included the UK, Russia, the United States, France, and other anti-fascist countries. After WWII Serbia was part of Yugoslavia, a non-allied country balanced between East and West. During 1990 Serbia did not have many friends, but now old allies are back, primarily Greece, France and the Russia . Curiously, Serbia has never had conflict with its two neighbors: Greece and Romania.

Even though some serbian politicians try to get Serbia inside Europian Union most of the common serbs blame the west for the desperate situation in whitch Serbia it is now.

Serbia isn't and never will be allies with NATO or america!!

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the allies to Serbia are the Triple Entente, which included France, Russia and Great Britain...the Commonwealth, Italy, and America were also allies

Serbia declared war on russia?

No, they are allies for ages.

Who was fighting the allies in World War I?

The Kiser of Germany. (edit) And all his allies in serbia, where the war started

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Bulgaria's main allies are its neighbors (Greece, Turkey, Romania, Macedonia, and Serbia). Russia and the US are other major allies.

What did Austria-Hungary do in the balkans in 1908?

They invaded Bosnia who at the time were rather close allies of Serbia. This made Serbia angry and thus forth they contacted Russia who were allies with Serbia. Russia then said that if Austria-Hungary do anything to Serbia, Russia will have to react. Then after the assassination A-H shelled the capital of Serbia and that started the war.

Who helped Serbia in WW1?

Allies ... use wikipedia for more information.

What major countries were known as allies?

Serbia, Russia, France, and Great Britain.

Allies of Serbia during World War 1?

France belgium and Britain

Serbia and Russia were natural allies because they shared what ethnicity ethnicity?

They are Slavics.

Why did many European nations get involved in the conflict?

It started with a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Russia defended Serbia (they were allies), which caused Germany to aid Austria-Hungar as they were also allies. The rest followed suit by accompanying their allies. Basically, they were allied to the countries who originally had the conflict.

Which country was allied with Serbia in ww1?

Russia was Serbia's main ally during World War I. Russia had a powerful army and powerful allies as well.