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Ghost of Marley, ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, ghost of Christmas future

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1. Jacob Marley

2. The Ghost of Christmas Past

3. The Ghost of Christmas Present

4. The Ghost of Christmas Future

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Q: Who are the 4 ghosts in A Christmas Carol?
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How many ghost in A Christmas Carol?

three ghosts, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and futurealthough I suppose four if you count Marley

Which scene in A Christmas Carol is the ghost of Christmas present?

The Ghosts of Christmas appear in Staves 2, 3 and 4

Four ghosts of Christmas Carol?

The four ghosts in The Christmas Carol are Jacob Marley, the Ghost of Christmas past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

3 ghosts who come to Scrooge A Christmas Carol?

They were the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future.

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4 Ghosts in a Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)

What were the three ghosts in chriatmas carol called?

The Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens. The three ghosts were named Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present, and Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

What supernatural elements are in A Christmas Carol?

The visitations of the Ghosts

What are Christmas Carol ghosts?

In the Charles Dickens story "A Christmas Carol" 4 spirits (ghosts) visit the main character Ebeneezer Scrooge . The first ghost is that of his dead business partner Jacob Marley. He tells Scrooge that he will be visited by 3 other ghosts during the rest of Christmas Eve night. They are: The ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Spirit of Things yet to Be.

In A Christmas Carol Scrooge rids himself of one of the Ghosts by snuffing him out like a candle Which of the Ghosts was it?

The ghost of Christmas Past

What do the ghosts stand for in A Christmas Carol?

past, present, future

What are the ghosts names in A Christmas Carol?


What is the sum of the number of ghosts who appeared to Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol multiplied by the number of 'geese-a-laying' in the 'Twelve days of Christmas'?

24 That is 4 ghosts x 6 geese alaying