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Deficiency of Vitamin C (scurvy) will lead to gum changes and also causes problems with the blood vessels, hence causing bleeding in the gums. Also a deficiency in Vitamin K may also cause bleeding gums do to the lack of clotting factors which will lead to unusual or excessive bleeding.

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Q: Which vitamin deficiency causes bleeding gums?
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What can a deficiency lead to Vitamin C?

Extreme deficiency of vitamin C leads to Scurvy, a disease characterized by spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weakness.

What disease is associated with bleeding gums?

Several diseases have bleeding gums as a symptom. The most common diseases would be periodontitis, gingivitis, or gum disease. It is important to rule these out before you go on to looking for more exotic causes of bleeding gums. See a good dentist. Pregnancy can cause bleeding gums, as can birth control pills. This has to do with fluctuating hormone levels. In fact, almost any hormone therapy can cause bleeding gums. Certain anti-seizure medications such as dilantin can cause bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be associated with certain vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin C or vitamin K. The latter indicates a problem with the liver. Alcoholism can be a source of bleeding gums. Cancer or cancer treatments can cause bleeding gums. See a dentist and rule out the most common sources of bleeding gums first.

What are the functions of the antiscorbutic vitamin?

It prevents bleeding from gums .

What are the most common causes of bleeding gums?

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

Can Vitamin C cause side effects?

Improve The first symptom that you would notice in a person with a vitamin C deficiency is bleeding gums. Lack of vitamin C causes a disease known as scurvy, which if it is not treated by vitamin C will become fatal. People cannot live without vitamin C in their diet.

Definition of scurvy?

Scurvy is a condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, swollen and bleeding gums, bruising, and skin discoloration. It can be prevented and treated by increasing intake of vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits and vegetables.

Which of the following is an early sign of vitamin C deficiency?

Vitamin C is a very important part of our diet. It is found in fruit and fresh vegetable -they have to be fresh because cooking the vegetables destroys the vitamin C.The reason that they are so important is because they help to keep membranes healthy, as well as keeping our tissues linked together.(The part you may be interested in is in bold)If you do not obtain vitamin C in your diet, there are a number of deficiency diseases which can be gotten. Some examples are scurvy, bleeding from small blood vessels in the gums and it could take a long time for wounds to heal.

What are deficiency diseases Name three deficiency diseases and also write their causes and symptoms?

A deficiency disease is one caused by a lack of something we need. Some examples are:scurvy, caused by insufficient vitamin C. Symptoms include bleeding gums and failure to heal.rickets, caused by lack of calcium or vitamin D. Symptoms are weak, soft bones and stunted growth.Pellagra, caused by lack of vitamin B3, niacin. Symptoms include inflamed skin, diarrhea, dementia, and sores in the mouth.

What did scurvy do to people?

Scurvy is a severe lack of vitamin C. It causes spots on the skin, spongy gums, bleeding from mucous membranes, and their teeth fall out.

What mineral causes scurvy?

Scurvy is caused by a complete deficiency of Vitamin C, which can easy be obtained by eating fruit. If you are completely cut off from Vitamin C, expect to find your skin blotchy and your gums bleeding. Sailors didn't have fruit on their boats because the fruit eventually went bad; since they sailed for very long periods of time, bringing fruit along was impossible. Scurvy is not common at all anymore, thankfully.

What is the difference between Scurvy and Rickets?

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body, symptoms typically include lethargy, spongy gums, bleeding from mucous membranes and spots mainly on the legs and thighs. Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus or magnesium in the bones of children. This causes bone softening leading to fractures and deformity.

Deficiency of vitamin C may result in?

Vit D is found in eggs and sunlight. A deficiency results in rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. A deficiency prevents you from synthesising sufficient hydroxy appatite, the mineral component which hardens the collagen aspect of bones, making them weak and bendy.