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Q: Which travels faster lightning or thunder?
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Why do thunder and lightning arrive at different times?

You will see the lightning before you hear the thunder because light travels faster than sound (:

Why during a thunder storm you see lightning first then you hear thunder?

Because light travels faster than sound

Why is thunder heard after the lightning is seen?

Because light travels much faster than sound.

Why do we hear thunder a few seconds after seeing lightning?

Light travels faster than sound.

Why do we see lightning first and then followed by thunder?

Light travels faster than sound. This causes the lightning flash to be seen first, with thunder taking longer to be heard.

Why do you see thunder after you see the flash of lightning?

You don't see thunder. You hear thunder. You hear thunder after seeing the lightning because light travels faster than sound. The further the storm away is, the bigger the time between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder.

Why do you see lightning before you see thunder in terms of wave theory?

You see lightning first because light travels faster then sound.Also, you don't see thunder - you hear it.

Why do you always see thunder before lightning?

I think the appropriate wording for this question: "why do you see lightning before hearing thunder?" The simple answer is that light travels faster than sound.

Explain why thunder is heard after the lightning is seen?

Thunder is sound- it travels at the speed of sound- about 1100 feet per second. Lightning is light- it travels at the speed of light- about 186,000 miles a second. The light is faster, gets there first.

Can Lightning and thunder occur simultaneously?

No. Thunder is the result of lightning when it hits the ground. After lightning hits the ground the air expands (because of the increase in temp.) and quickly condenses. That air condensing is what we hear when there is thunder. Because light travels faster than sound we see lightning then hear thunder.

Which travels faster noise or lightning?

lightning travels faster. Light is faster than sound.

Why do you seen lightning before thunder is hears?

because light travels faster than sound i learned that when i was 10