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In 1927, Massachusetts became the first state to require the purchase of auto liability insurance. Since then 48 states and the District of Columbia have followed suit.

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Q: Which state was the first to require auto liability insurance before a driver could legally drive a car?
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Is a quality auditor required to have general liability insurance in Texas?

No, there is no legal requirement that you have liability insurance. However, Your clients may require it before they are willing to hire you. Carrying the appropriate license a nd adequate liability insurance for your industry is the first hallmarks of a qualified reputable business.

Can an auto dealership legally give you only 2 days to get auto insurance?

Most dealerships will require insurance before you drive off the lot.

Do you need to show proof of insurance at a car dealership when buying a used car?

Absolutely. Even if you pay cash for the vehicle you will need to prove that you have liability insurance in order to legally drive off the lot. If you are financing the vehicle you will have to show that you have liability and physical damage coverage before driving off the lot. The dealer will contact your insurance agent to verify that the coverage is in force and will add the vehicle to your policy with the coverage that they require and that you want.

Does homeowner insurance cover a contractors mistake?

The contractor should be bonded and carry liability insurance and you need to require proof of this before they start. Homeowners insurance is not meant to guarantee work on homes.

Do you need a license to get insurance on a vehicle in California?

Most, but not all insurance companies will require you have a drivers license to buy liability insurance for your vehicle. All of the 50 United States however require you have a license or permit of some type before you can drive your vehicle on public roads.

Are accountants required to maintain professional liability insurance?

It is not a requirement but having a good professional liability insurance policy in place will give you more credibility in your industry. If you are an accountant in the employ of another then you should not have a need for a professional liability policy. If you work as a self employed or a contractor you should carry coverage. Many companies will require you show them your insurance before they will grant you contract work.

Liability Insurance?

form_title=Liability Insurance form_header=Ensure that your assets are properly protected from any lawsuits that may be brought against your company. Liability insurance can safeguard against several known and unknown risks. Type of liability insurance needed?= {(),Business Liability Insurance,Property Liability Insurance,Commercial Liability Insurance,Professional Liability Insurance,Directors and Officers Liability Insurance,Product Liability Insurance,Other,Not Sure} Have you ever had liability insurance before?= () Yes () No Business Type:=_ Years in business:= {(),0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,More}

Does your husband have a life insurance policy on you?

Your husband cannot legally obtain life insurance on you without your knowledge. And most companies require at least a cursory physical before agreeing to insure someone.

How long can a new driver drive a new car without insuring it?

If you paid cash and bought it outright, without financing, you don't have to have ANY collision or comprehensive insurance on it if you don't wish. If the car was financed you will have to insure it against damage until such time as the loan is paid off. As far as liability insurance is concerned most (all?) states require proof of liability insurance before you can legally operate on the public roads.

Can you purchase a car without buying insurance?

Yes, but most states require insurance before you can register or license the car.Expanded AnswerThe individual states, almost unanimously, require licensed drivers to carry a certain level of liability insurance. But I do not know of a state that requires proof of insurance as a condition of mere ownership of a motor vehicle.This issue has come to the public eye in recent months because of comparisons between state requirements for automobile liability insurance and proposed federal requirements for health insurance. It is claimed by advocates of federally-imposed health care insurance that the mandate is similar to that imposed by most states with regard to automobile liability insurance.

What is needed to start auto insurance agency in Texas?

An insurance license and your LDTL filing is all that's needed to start an insurance agency in Texas. Bare in mind however that most insurers will require you have a Professional Liability in place before they will give you a contract.

Driver become subject to liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

You are subject to liability insurance requirements whether or not an accident occurs. An accident has nothing to do with liability requirements. You are required to have liability insurance of at least the minimum required by your state before getting into a vehicle and driving it. Driving is what triggers the law.