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Patricia Hill Collins

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Q: Which sociologist coined the term matrix of domination?
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The term TCK (Third Culture Kid, also: 3CK) was coined at the beginning of the 1950s by an American anthropologist and sociologist by the name of Ruth Hill Useem.

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Matrix of domination

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Charles Horton Cooley coined the term "the looking glass self"

Who discovered matrix?

The first study of matrix algebra happened when Hermann Grassmann published "Theory of Extension" in 1844. In 1848, James Sylvester coined the term matrix while studying linear algebra.

Global domination and stratification?

Global domination is the idea of monopolizing an industry. Sociologist use the term McDonaldization to describe the impact McDonald's restaurants have had on the world, for example. Stratification is the study of how different groups are divided in the world and the social phenomenon that divided them this way.

A sociologist term for fitting in is?

A sociologist term that means fitting in or adapting is accommodation.

In sociology what does MacDonaldization mean?

Coined by the sociologist George Ritzer, the term refers to the increasing standardization and rationalization of industry, of labour, of the way that goods are produced and consumed and even of the way that life is experienced.