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Q: Which sentence from The Lottery uses descriptive language to create mood?
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Related questions

What is vivid descriptive language?

Vivid descriptive language is used when you describe something, generally a scene so well that the reader can create a highly detailed picture in their mind. Generally using a majority of the senses and comparisons.

Does poem can contain both figurative language and descriptive language?

Yes, a poem can certainly contain both figurative language (metaphors, similes, personification) and descriptive language (adjectives, adverbs, sensory details) to create vivid imagery and emotional impact. The combination of these elements can enhance the depth and beauty of the poem.

What word in the English language can be used again and again to create a sentence?

The parts of speech called "articles" in the English language can be used again and again to create a sentence, and many times within one sentence. Articles are words like:theaan

How do you use the word doubtful in a sentence?

there is no doubt that scientists will create a cure for most illnesses in the next 100 years

Can you create a sentence for the word agranulocyte?

yes look in your medical language book and figure it out.

What are the forms of descriptive writing?

Forms of descriptive writing include vivid imagery, sensory details, figurative language, and specific details to paint a clear picture for the reader. This type of writing aims to create a sensory experience for the reader, allowing them to visualize and feel the scene being described. Descriptive writing often engages the reader's emotions and elicits a strong response through detailed and expressive language.

What is figurative language that is designed to evoke mental pictures?

Adjectives are descriptive words that can appeal to the senses. So, colors, shapes, textures are ways of creating a mental image.

What are words that create clarity?

Precise, specific, and descriptive words help create clarity in communication. Using simple language, avoiding jargon, and providing clear explanations also contribute to clarity in written and spoken communication.

What are the language features of a narrative?

Language features of a narrative include descriptive language to create vivid imagery, dialogue to bring characters to life, first-person or third-person point of view to establish the narrator's perspective, and a chronological structure to organize events in a sequence.

What is descriptive imagery?

Descriptive imagery is the use of details and sensory language to create vivid mental pictures for the reader. It helps to engage the reader's senses and emotions, making the writing more immersive and impactful. Descriptive imagery often includes vivid descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to bring a scene or character to life.

What is a descriptive lead?

A descriptive lead in writing is an opening sentence or paragraph that sets the scene by providing vivid details and sensory language to grab the reader's attention and give them a visual sense of the subject or topic being discussed. It often aims to draw readers in and create a vivid mental image to engage them from the beginning.

In a descriptive essay an author?

A.communicates an emotional connection with a subject by using figurative language to create mental pictures.