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It is generally though that sexual recombination is the greatest advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. By recombining genes you get many variants that may have some members of the population resistant to some environmental challenge. Asexuality just gives clones.

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Q: Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
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What is advantage of asexual reproduction over sexual reproduction?

It is generally though that sexual recombination is the greatest advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. By recombining genes you get many variants that may have some members of the population resistant to some environmental challenge. Asexuality just gives clones.

What is the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

It is generally though that sexual recombination is the greatest advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. By recombining genes you get many variants that may have some members of the population resistant to some environmental challenge. Asexuality just gives clones.

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its eather asexual reproducton or sexual reproduction

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asexual reproduction A jellyfish is not just asexual but sexual too. They're both.

Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction?

It gives variety to offsprings. What is one advantage of sexual reproduction? How do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________

What is the advantage of asexual reproductio?

i am assuming you mean asexual reproduction and it is that it is much fast than sexual reproduction.

Do dogs have asexual and sexual reproduction?

Sexual Reproduction

Is the reproduction sexual or asexual?

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What are the advantage and disadvantage of sexual and asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.