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A compound light microscope.

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Q: Which microscope would be best use if you wanted to look at the life in a drop of pond water?
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Which type of microscope would be best to use if you wanted to look at a living cell?

a compound light microscope your welcome nope it is transmission electron microscope

What type of microscope would be best to use if you wanted to look at the parts inside of a cell?

you could use any regular microscope that has magnification up to 400 but the best type of microscope to use would be an electron microscope if you could afford one

What type of microscope would be best to view a drop of pond water?

compound light microscope

Which type of microscope would be best to use if you wanted to look at a nucleus inside a living cell?

A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

Which microscope is best used for looking at organisms in a drop of pond water?

A compound microscope would be best if you want to see all the organisms in that drop. A simple microscope would not allow you to see as much.

What microscope is recommended to view a detailed structure of a cell nucleus?

an electron microscopean elctron microscope

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i have no clue, i go to Bede academy and they have given me the same question, still cant answer it :/

What microscope is best used to see organisms in a drop of pond water?

light microscope

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we would use a light microscope

What type of microscope would be best to view a peice of moldy bread?

A compound microscope.

Which microscope is the best to see the organism in a drop of pond water?


What type of microscope would be best to use to look at different cells or organelles?

scanning electron microscope